26 Jul 3 Things You Should Never Say During an Interview
Interviews are big moments! It’s your chance to introduce yourself in person and make a good first impression with someone who can help or hurt your career.
Being nervous is understandable. It’s important to do all you can to prepare for an interview to help calm some of those nerves, but it’s also a good idea to think about what you want to say in response to some of the standard questions likely to come your way.
Also important? Keeping in mind a few things that should be avoided.
There are questions you can ask or statements you can make that can hurt your chances of securing a new job more than accidentally wearing a wrinkled shirt or calling the HR manager by the wrong name.
Here are things to avoid saying, at all costs, during an interview.
1. Airing dirty laundry about your current (or previous) employer.
That you’re looking for a new position is a good indication that you’re not over-the-moon happy where you’re currently working. You might be asked why you’re looking for something new and it’s good to have an answer prepared along the lines of you’re looking to continue learning and advancing in your career or you’re not feeling as challenged where you currently work. Avoid saying anything bad about your job, however, as it reflects more poorly on you than your current boss. It will give the impression that you want to gossip or that you only focus on the negative, which implies that you’ll be a drain on the company’s culture.
2. “I don’t know.”
While this is an honest answer, most likely, it could suggest a lack of preparation, lack of interest, lack of skill or ability or something else that wouldn’t inspire confidence. Instead, try to rephrase the question to see if that provides a better understanding of the heart of the matter they’re asking about.This also buys you time to come up with a response. It’s also a chance to show off your communication skills. You can also ask for a moment to collect your thoughts, which displays an interest in thinking before speaking.
3. Questions about pay or time off.
These are important things to know, undoubtedly! But asking about them before you have an offer, before they’ve decided that you’re the person they want for the job, can make it sound like you’re less interested in the work, and being a productive and solid member of the team — and a good addition to the company — and more interested in what you get for it. Questions about benefits can be brought up when the offer comes in, after they’ve been impressed by you above all others.
Interviews are your chance to show off your skills, your chipper and friendly personality and to make the company like you. Avoiding these missteps can go a long way to getting you a second interview or an offer!
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If you’re ready to look for a new position, contact LeadingEdge Personnel. We work with top companies across the country who are looking for skilled people just like you. Call LeadingEdge today and let’s get started!
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