02 Nov 4 Ways to Eliminate Bias in Hiring
We, humans, are imperfect creatures — sad but true. Normally our quirks and preferences don’t make all that much difference in the world. Still, when reviewing resumes and hiring candidates, our unconscious biases can lead to an unfair and maybe even discriminatory set of practices.
Biases toward people who have things in common with us can be eliminated or at least held in check just by taking a few simple steps to ensure the pool of candidates is deep and wide.
Here are four ways to eliminate biases in hiring and reviewing resumes:
1. Watch the language when posting a job.
It might not seem like much, but the choice of words when describing an ideal candidate can steer away otherwise qualified people. For example, words like “commanding” and “dominant” are more likely to draw in men, while women might respond to “softer” words like “committed” and “passionate.” Requiring a certain number of years of experience might discourage younger, newer workers, while having a lower threshold could dissuade someone older but new to the field.
2. Adopt a “blind” resume review process.
This doesn’t mean picking applicants from a hat without consideration. Rather, it means running the resumes submitted for a job through specialized software that eliminates any references to age, gender, nationality, etc. All that’s left is the person’s experience and qualifications, making for a more level playing field when comparing candidates.
3. Use scripted, standardized interview questions.
Asking every candidate who comes in to interview the same series of questions again provides the candidate with the opportunity to shine. Those doing the interviews will assess each candidate on the same merits and based on their responses to the same, identical set of queries, allowing the answers to shine through and help identify the better choices.
4. Establish diversity goals.
This might be a little harder to change, and it might take some time, but making it a priority to have a diverse team of employees means establishing goals and meeting them. Establish a series of gradual goals — maybe 10% in three years, increasing to 30% in 10 years — and check the company’s progress along the way. If things are falling short, take a closer look at why and see what needs to be fixed to meet your expectations.
Companies with a diverse workforce outperform their more homogenized counterparts in almost every business aspect, from winning contracts to employee happiness and retention. Your company can enjoy these perks, too, but it will require acknowledging and addressing unconscious bias in the hiring process first.
Find Quality Candidates!
When you’re ready to make some changes, call LeadingEdge Personnel. We can help you find qualified candidates that meet your needs for both skills and backgrounds. Contact LeadingEdge today, and let’s get started.
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