09 Nov Computer Programs You Should be Proficient in When Applying for an Office Role
When you’re looking for your first office job, rejoining the workforce, or looking to change careers, it can be a little intimidating to wonder whether you have the right skills for the position.
To make it a little easier and help reduce your stress, here’s a list of basic computer programs most offices would expect candidates to be proficient in as they apply for a job.
1. Microsoft Office.
This suite of programs includes Word, a word processing software, Excel for spreadsheets and graphs, PowerPoint for presentations, and other easy-to-use but necessary tools. Some offices also require some familiarity with QuickBooks, an accounting program, but that might be more job-specific. If you’re not familiar or comfortable with any of these programs, there are free tutorials available online to help brush up your skills!
2. Website and social media skills.
This, again, might be more job-specific, but you should be familiar with how social media works, along with how to operate a basic web search using Google or another search function. Do you have any experience with a website building program, from WordPress to HTML coding? That’s a great skill to highlight on your resume! The more web-based skills you have, the more attractive you are to employers.
3. Graphic design.
Being able to create visually pleasing and attention-grabbing logos, graphics, representations, and style elements can be a big plus on your resume. Turning generic presentations into dazzling, interesting, and engaging conversation pieces will help impress clients, and your ability to do this in a variety of ways can only bode well for your career.
4. Writing skills.
Communication — whether in-office or with clients — is the bedrock of any successful company. The ability to clearly, concisely explain ideas, concepts, and proposals is a high-demand skill and one that many companies are eager to find in their job candidates. If you can present complex ideas in easy-to-understand language, or if you’ve got a knack for analytical writing, be sure to highlight these skills on your resume to help set you apart from other candidates.
5. IT problem-solving.
You don’t have to be a fully-fledged technical wizard, but it doesn’t hurt. Can you help reset a router or modem when the wifi keeps dropping? Are you able to help figure out a malfunctioning flash drive or USB port? The more comfortable and capable you are diagnosing and finding solutions to common computer-based problems, the better off you’ll be.
Be sure to highlight these office skills on your resume to help distinguish yourself from other candidates. If you’re not confident in your abilities, spend some time looking for tutorials on the software-based skills that can be learned through experience or see if there’s a local learning annex or community college offering courses that can help you add to your skillset.
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