13 May 5 Tips for Hiring In Austin – Even When You’re Swamped
Every hiring manager in Austin knows the vicious cycle: Hitting a successful period or time of great growth means you’re busier than ever, but it also underscores the need for new employees, but you don’t have the time to look for them because things are so hectic.
It’s obvious more employees will help handle the added workload and make things more efficient, plus they will provide the opportunity for even more growth. But how do you find the time to start looking at resumes and scheduling interviews when every moment of the workday is filled?
Take a moment to consider these tips to help you find the time to hire great people in Austin.
1. Consider your bottom line when hiring.
The longer this position is open, the more time you’ll need to spend going through resumes and conducting interviews. That’s time you will have to take away from the work you’d normally be doing, allowing projects to start piling up on your desk and delaying everything else. This doesn’t mean rush through the process, but it does mean making time for it will allow you to get back to your regular responsibilities that much faster.
2. Simplify your hiring-related communications.
While it might be tempting to go through various channels to have preliminary conversations with potential hires, streamline the process to keep things moving. Consider utilizing a text message system for talking with candidates, as they’re likely to respond more quickly to a text than a call or email, and the responses will be more direct and concise.
3. Post the job internally first.
Your employees might be your best recruiting tool. They might know someone who would be a great candidate for the open position and could help speed the whole process. This also puts a little pressure on you and the work environment to be one that your employees would be proud to talk up to a friend or relative — the best advertisement for a company is a positive review and endorsement from an employee!
4. Set aside the time for hiring.
If you know you have to fill a certain number of positions within a given time, an easy way to prioritize the task is to dedicate time to it on your calendar. Set aside an hour or two every week to go through resumes, make phone calls, conduct interviews, compare notes with other decision-makers, etc. This way, you’ll have to address the vacancy instead of brushing it off until you have more time — something that likely won’t come up.
5. Reconsider your recruitment and candidate-finding tools.
If you haven’t already considered, or aren’t already using, a recruiting firm or job placement service, now is a great time. These agencies will take on most of the searching and early interview steps for you and will look for candidates whose skills match the demands of the open position. Provide some specific details about what you need and what an ideal candidate would contribute to your workforce and let the recruiters do their jobs. You might be pleasantly surprised with the candidates.
The existing stress of your workload can exacerbate the pressure to fill a vacant position. Consider these options, find one that might work best for you, and get started. Putting it off will only make things more difficult and stressful in the long run.
Find Top Candidates with LeadingEdge Personnel
If you’re ready to hire great people, partner with LeadingEdge Personnel, a top staffing company in Austin. We’d be happy to tell you how we can help find the best candidates for your open positions and explain how the process works. We also have great candidates who might be just what you’re looking for and who could start the job quickly. Curious? Great! Call LeadingEdge Personnel today, and let’s get started.
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