09 Mar Is Automation the Key to Your Recruitment Process in 2022?
There are piles of resumes waiting on your desk. Your inbox is bursting with applications. But none of the candidates are exactly suitable for your company.
Or maybe you have the opposite problem: The jobs you’ve posted are getting lost in the shuffle, and no one’s showing an interest.
Could automation help jump-start your recruiting and hiring as 2022 begins?
Here’s how technology can help break through the roadblocks.
1. Find better candidates faster.
Using recruitment automation can help bring great candidates to your attention sooner. By looking for specific keywords in applications, resumes, social media posts, LinkedIn profiles, etc., programs can quickly identify people with the skills your company needs to fill positions. This means your company can reach out to the person sooner, bring them in faster for an interview and streamline the interview and hiring practice altogether — a benefit to your company as highly-skilled candidates are often entertaining multiple job offers when they start to look around.
2. Reclaim your time.
Recruiting new candidates is just one more thing on your overstuffed to-do list. If you can get some of that time back by running an automated recruitment program, sifting only through the resumes of highly qualified candidates, and debating between people who are all, at least on paper, a good fit for the position, that can help you focus on other challenging tasks. It’s one less thing demanding all of your attention all the time.
3. Eliminate unconscious bias.
BAllowingan automated recruitment process to do initial screenings of candidates, eliminates the possibility that someone will be overlooked for a bad reason. Sometimes people are overlooked because of their name or assumed gender; other times, people get an unfair advantage if their resume includes the name of the reviewer’s college or hometown. It’s a smarter and bias-free way to look only at the pertinent information on someone’s resume.
4. Solve multiple problems at once.
If your company is hiring for multiple positions simultaneously, there’s a very loud clock ticking in your ear, each second more impatient than the last. Using an automated recruiting program can help make this a faster, easier and more efficient process by taking care of all openings at once. You won’t have to dedicate all your attention to one position at a time; just input the information and requirements and let the candidates come to you, sorted by qualification and job title, much faster than you could’ve done it yourself.
5. Boost your company’s reputation.
When people are looking for jobs, or even after being hired, they talk about how long the interviewing process took. People will take themselves out of the running for a job if the application process takes too long or if the time between points of contact with the company is too great. If word gets around that someone newly hired at your company was in frequent contact during the hiring process and it took a shorter amount of time than a competing company, that’s good news for your reputation! People don’t like being kept on the hook for something, especially if they might not win a job. Having a reputation as a company that respects a candidate’s time can only help.
Do your research first and find an automation program that works for your company and can meet your needs. Then realize the benefits of accepting a little help from technology as your company grows and succeeds.
Transform Your Recruitment Process with LeadingEdge Personnel
In the meantime, if you’re looking for new candidates to join your team, call LeadingEdge. We have great candidates eager to get to work and ready to start right away, with qualifications that match your needs. Call LeadingEdge today and let’s get to work!
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