22 Mar 6 Things To Know Before Accepting A Job Offer in an Administrative Role
After what might have felt like a never-ending job search, you’ve landed an offer. That’s wonderful!
But before you accept, there are a few things worth considering — you might want to take a little time and maybe get some clarification before you make your decision.
Here are a few things to know before agreeing to take this new job.
- What does my benefits package entail? When the company looking to hire you made the offer, they likely provided salary information. They might’ve discussed paid time off and/or sick leave as well. But are there other components of the complete benefits package that were not discussed? Things like family leave accessibility, tuition reimbursement, contributions to a retirement fund like a 401(k) or pension, childcare opportunities, medical insurance, etc., items that are not money in your bank account but real dollars paid on your behalf that can add up to substantial compensation. A benefits package is usually a lot more than just how much money you’re paid! Be sure to ask and, if you can, get it in writing.
- What other perks does the company offer employees? Do you have to pay for parking or is space provided? What about remote work — is that a possibility, either as a regular part of your work week or in cases of emergency or sickness? Some companies provide meals to employees on a regular basis, whether as part of a celebration or if there’s an urgent deadline that needs to be met. Some companies are really creative and inventive in what they provide employees as a way to keep them engaged and excited to come to work.
- How long do employees tend to stay at the company and what keeps them there? This is a quality of life and quality of work environment question: People do not stay long in jobs where they feel unfulfilled, unhappy, mistreated or taken for granted. But if people stay for years at this company, it shows that they’re well-treated, well-compensated and generally happy with their working conditions. If the HR representative you’re talking with hesitates to answer this question, or doesn’t give a solid answer, that could be a red flag. But if they’re ready to rattle off statistics about people staying for years thanks to good pay, good working conditions, maybe even some benefits and perks that haven’t been discussed previously, that’s a great sign of a healthy work environment.
- Are career advancement and/or training opportunities available to me in this position? More and more people are interested in being able to receive on-the-job training to keep their skills sharp and relevant. It serves a company well to help employees access trainings, workshops and other educational tools, because an investment in their employees means an investment in the future abilities and skills of their team without having to hire new people. Or, if you’d be interested in learning new skills based on other job descriptions available within the company, is there a job shadowing or mentoring program? If those are not available, would the company be flexible with your hours if you wanted to take college or vocational courses? Thinking about your future is well within your right and now’s a great time to ask.
- What is the company culture like? The bottom line here is: How does the company show employees they’re valued? Is showing appreciation a routine event? Does the company celebrate cultural holidays and observances? How are people treated? When someone hits an anniversary, is that acknowledged? How are new employees welcomed? How are people celebrated when they retire? Is diversity a priority? If so, how is that demonstrated and valued? What’s the policy on work-life balance? An eight-hour work day should not be spent in silence, with everyone siloed off to do their own work and never communicate or have any fun.
- What does my gut tell me? This is one only you can answer. How were you greeted when you went in to meet your would-be manager? Were you introduced to members of the team and, if so, were they friendly and welcoming? Happy to meet you? How did you feel when you were there? If you close your eyes and picture yourself working there in a month, or six months, or six years, how do you feel? Are you content and at peace or are you disappointed? Do you see yourself enjoying this work or do you think you’d get bored? Trust your instincts — they’ll never lead you astray.
Taking a new job is a big deal! It’s an exciting time when you find a new position that makes you happy and creates a fun and engaging new chapter in your life. If this job offer doesn’t provide what you need to live a better life, where you feel like you’re meeting all your responsibilities and having a good quality of life (whatever that looks like to you), you’re under no obligation to take it. But if it checks all your priority boxes, congratulations!
If this isn’t the one for you, fear not — you don’t have to job search alone! LeadingEdge Personnel is ready to help you find another great opportunity. We work with companies who are looking for people just like you, with your talents and abilities, and they’re ready to hire right away. Take a look at the jobs we’re currently working to fill and give LeadingEdge a call to get started.
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