07 Jun Coping with Job Loss: Strategies for Staying Positive and Moving Forward
Losing a job can be an upsetting, unexpected and scary experience. Even if you didn’t particularly love the work or if you were looking for a new opportunity, no longer having a job to go to can be disorienting and can bring about feelings of insecurity and anxiety.
It will be ok! Take a deep breath.
Here’s how to pull yourself together and move forward toward your next steps.
- Take the time to get your head right. The loss of a job is just that — a loss. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions, from grief and sadness to anger and frustration, especially if there was no warning that this might happen. That’s why you should take a little time to catch your breath before moving forward. You don’t need to take any other action on the first day or two after losing your job (other than maybe starting the process of filing for unemployment, depending on your state’s laws and eligibility). Give yourself a little time for the dust to settle.
- Talk to your friends. You’ve just had the ground kicked out from under your feet — this is the time to rely on your friends and family who will support you and cheer you on to the next stage in your life. They’ll be reassuring and kind to you and might even help take your mind off things for a while. Or maybe this is a great time to expand your social circle a little by looking into volunteer opportunities at nearby animal shelters, schools, hospitals, etc?
- Try to establish a new routine. After you’re feeling more grounded and steady, it’s time to get into a new groove. Wake up at the same time during the week, get yourself some breakfast and the hot beverage of your choice, then establish a routine of checking emails, looking for jobs, polishing your resume or creating different versions of it for different types of jobs. Make sure to give yourself a break for lunch and to take a walk or get some fresh air. Looking for a job is, in itself, a full-time commitment, and getting into a routine for doing that will help you regain a sense of control over your life.
- Consider your options. Were you really happy with the work you were doing previously? Did you like your job or were you maybe thinking of looking for something new? This is the perfect opportunity to try a new career! Make a list of what you liked about your old job, or what skills you enjoy using, along with what you do and don’t like to do. Then try to use those words and phrases as keywords in job searching websites to see what matches your interests. Or maybe you’ve thought about going back to school — why not now?
- Reach out to your network. Think of the coworkers you’ve really liked in the past, especially those who moved on from your previous employer. Where are they now? Do they like where they work? It takes nothing to ask them whether there are any openings on their team or in the company that might be a good fit for you. Have you had a manager at a previous job that you got along with well? Reach out to them and see whether they know of any open positions. Go on LinkedIn and join some groups that interest you — college associations, alumni organizations, local civic organizations, professional groups, etc. — and start conversations there. As you expand your network there, you might find a great lead on a new job! Make sure your LinkedIn profile is set to indicate you’re looking for jobs and open to network and see what happens next.
This is a scary time but you’ll get through it. Companies always need good workers who want to work hard and while it might take some time, you’ll find a great new opportunity.
If you’d like a head start on finding that job, consider calling LeadingEdge Personnel! Our recruiters are experts at helping people find great jobs and can help get your resume in front of people looking to hire right away — for permanent full-time positions, part-time work, even temporary jobs. Take a look at the jobs we’re hiring for today and see what sounds good, then give us a call. Your future starts today!
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