11 Oct Exploring the Role of a Bilingual Legal Case Manager
Case managers are an important position in many kinds of companies, acting as a supportive bridge between employees, patients, clients and other customers with management, company ownership or medical personnel. Bilingual case managers add another layer of help and protection, using their language skills to help their client navigate a scary, confusing and frustrating time by being able to freely speak their native language and know their concerns will be properly conveyed.
In medical settings, case managers are a critical component of care. If someone is sick but does not speak or understand English, this can add stress to an already difficult time. A bilingual case manager is assigned to help speak on the patient’s behalf, providing detailed information to medical personnel about the person’s ailments, their medical history, any pain or discomfort they’re having, relaying their symptoms and, in turn, translating back to the patient the information the doctors or nurses are providing about what steps will be taken to make them healthy again. These case managers also can work with the patient’s family to make sure everyone is informed and in the loop on any procedures that might have questions or accompany the patient to doctor’s offices.
In a workplace environment, bilingual case managers can help ensure a new employee’s smooth transition into their new job, making sure they understand the rules and regulations of the company and all safety considerations they’ll need to keep in mind. Should a problem arise between a non-English speaker and another employee or manager, the bilingual case manager can intervene, communicating those troubles and obtaining translatable details between the employee and management to help solve the problem. They can also help new employees properly fill out all required paperwork to help ease confusion.
In legal settings, a bilingual case manager can help bring a little confidence and comfort to a stressful, scary situation. By working with a non-English speaker and their loved ones, a bilingual case manager can help them feel confident their story is being heard and understood, while receiving back legal information on procedures, next steps and possible outcomes. Legal jargon is difficult enough to understand in a person’s own language; if they don’t speak the language of the person reading them legal information, it becomes even more stressful.
Some bilingual case managers work directly with their clients; others are in more managerial positions and oversee a team of translators and caseworkers to get their clients the help they need. Whether directly in contact or indirectly in a support and management position, bilingual case workers are a critically important link in ensuring people get the care, treatment and support they deserve when going through a difficult and, oftentimes, scary ordeal. It’s a rewarding and fulfilling position in which you can make a big difference and provide a lot of comfort to someone who really needs it!
If you have good organizational skills, enjoy working with people and the challenges that come with finding better ways to get things done, and you speak a language other than English, you might have a bright future ahead of you as a bilingual case worker!
Want to learn more? LeadingEdge Personnel can help. Give our recruiters a call and we can walk through your background and experiences and see whether you have what it takes to secure an in-demand position as a case worker.
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