Author: LeadingEdge Personnel

It's the most wonderful time of the year! The parties, the treats, the spirit of good cheer and goodwill, that magic that comes with the holidays and makes everything just a little better. With that holiday magic, of course, come endless distractions: online shopping, juggling appointments, trying to get more done in less time and maybe trying to cut a few corners during the workday to get everything done on time. How can you keep your employees focused on the tasks at hand when visions of sugarplums are dancing in their heads? 

Celebrate National Staffing Employee Week According to The American Staffing Association, nearly 15 million employees are working for a staffing agency. Temporary employment agencies have helped to fill positions for all different kinds of industries for decades.National Staffing Employee Week is an opportunity to celebrate the...

Keep Your Skills Sharp During Unemployment

Unemployment can be a tough time in your professional life. Whether it’s because of a company restructure, for cause or because of resignation, unemployment is flat out tough. Not only is loss of employment emotionally taxing Being unemployed can leave you worrying about how to avoid gaps in employment on your resume.While unemployment is stressful, there are some ways you can continue to grow your skill set outside of a traditional work arrangement. 

Attracting Candidates in a Competitive Market

We hear it all the time. It’s an employee-driven market. It’s true. Potential employees have choices when it comes to their career. Gone are the days of the employer holding the cards and it’s outright tough to attract candidates in a competitive market. In this post, we’ll discuss the difficulties of attracting candidates in this market, ways to get ahead and things you can do to enhance your strategy at little to no cost.

Why Did You Leave a Previous Employer: Tips on Answering This Question

If you have any professional experience, there's a good chance you left an employer at some point. Sometimes a separation happens voluntarily. Sometimes it's not so simple. It's no wonder that one of the trickiest interview questions to answer is "Why did you leave your position at...?". It's hard to think back on when we left employers or were separated. But, it's necessary to know how to answer this question for any interview process. The why did you leave question doesn't have to be awkward or difficult to answer. If you understand it and follow a couple of general conventions, this question is easily answered.

Cultural Add Vs. Cultural Fit

Historically, companies have focused their efforts on finding the “right” candidate based on their cultural fit within an organization. The term “fit” is often used to describe someone who would act as a team player, join the organization’s mission and not necessarily challenge the status quo.As more companies move towards a diversity and inclusion trend, they are focusing on cultural add rather than fit. We’ll explore the concept of cultural add and the benefits of challenging historical screening processes.

Rejecting Candidates with Care

The hard truth is that in recruiting, rejecting candidates is par for the course. Since we often meet many candidates for the one position, often, we’ll end up with a few people left behind in the process. A first impression is important. However, you shouldn’t underestimate the value of leaving a positive lasting impression.