18 Jan Enhance Your Job Hunting Strategy in 2023 by Working with LeadingEdge Personnel
Is there anything more frustrating than looking for a new job? Few things make people feel more isolated or invisible than sending out resume after resume and waiting for responses.
But maybe there’s a better way of going about your job hunting.
Have you considered working with a staffing agency?
Here’s how LeadingEdge Personnel can help you kickstart your job hunting in 2023 and get you results faster.
- We know who’s hiring. LeadingEdge partners with top companies who are looking to hire talented people right away. Thanks to our relationship with our clients, we often get advance notice of job openings before they’re publicly posted, meaning we can provide that same information to you.
- We know what our clients are looking for. When you work with LeadingEdge, you let us know the jobs you’re interested in and we can tell you whether your skills, background and experience are aligned with what the company needs. We can tell you whether you’d be a strong candidate or if there’s something that’s a better fit with your interests. For the jobs that are a good fit, we can help you with your application and any revisions to your resume to make you stand out!
- We can talk you up. When you find a position you’re interested in, and we believe you’re a good fit for the job, we have a direct line to the hiring managers and can make sure they look out for your application. We can talk to them about why you’re a strong candidate and how your background would be an asset to their team. We can also make sure to send your application directly to them, ensuring priority attention is placed on reviewing your submission. We can be your biggest fan!
- We keep you in the loop. The worst part of applying for jobs is sending out resumes and waiting for a response, if it ever comes. Working with a staffing agency like LeadingEdge means you’ll have progress updates and solid, reliable communication from us about how things are going. You’ll know when positions open, when resumes have been reviewed, when interviews are being scheduled and you won’t need to sit in the dark, wondering what’s going on.
- We want to make a good match. It’s directly in our best interest to make sure you’re happy with the job we help you secure, and that our clients are happy with the people we recommend. Our core reason for existing is to help people find jobs and to help companies find good employees. We want to see you do well! When you’re happy and thriving, and our client is pleased with the person we’ve brought them as a new employee, we’ve done our job well. That helps boost our reputation with that client and others and builds trust that we’re an organization worth working with, and that means we can help more people find great jobs.
If you’re frustrated with how your job search has been going, it’s time to make a change: Check out the jobs we currently have available and then call LeadingEdge to get more information and to begin your high-powered job search. Let’s see how much we can help you!
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