04 Oct Your Professional Reputation is at Risk When You Ghost Employers
It’s one thing to ghost a person: it’s a little rude and awkward, but it happens, and it’s no big deal (allegedly).
But have you ever ghosted on a job? It’s time to reconsider!
In the current sense, Ghosting is the practice of unexpectedly cutting all communication with someone — a possible romantic partner, a friend, or, in this case, a possible new boss.
Here’s why ghosting is a bad idea and why the very thought should spook you.
1. It’s rude.
No one likes to be treated badly. No one likes to be ignored. By the time you’ve had a few interviews with a company, they have the impression that you’re interested in them and the position they have available. Disappearing before the next interview, or failing to respond to a job offer, puts the HR manager and the rest of the team in a weird spot.
2. It’s disrespectful.
If a company has made you a job offer, and you’ve accepted it, there’s the expectation that their search is over and efforts are made to prepare for your arrival. If you’ve set up interviews, time has been blocked off on people’s calendars that otherwise would be used for work and essential projects or other meetings. Failing to show up when you’ve agreed to do so wastes people’s time and messes up their day. Do you like to be kept waiting by friends or relatives when you’re supposed to go do something? It’s also just unprofessional and inconsiderate.
3. You might burn a bridge.
Maybe the interviews went well, but the job isn’t right for you, and you don’t know how to turn down a position. Maybe things feel off, and the position isn’t what you expected. Thinking that it wouldn’t hurt anyone just not to show up is a bad idea: You might not work with someone on this team, or in that management department, at this job, but people change positions all the time. The HR manager you ghost today could be responsible for finding candidates for your dream job later.
4. People talk.
You know how it is when you’re in a work situation. People like to share stories. People like to gossip. The same goes for managers and hiring directors. They’re friends with other people in other offices. You ghost on one? Others will know. Your resume may show up on someone else’s desk, and they call the person you just vanished on — next thing you know, you’re not getting calls for interviews for months.
5. You might make someone else look bad.
Let’s say a friend puts in a good word for you with their company. The job sounds good, but it doesn’t feel like a good fit. Instead of taking yourself out of consideration, you just drop off the face of the planet. Now your friend is getting asked what’s up, and they have to be in the awkward position of either telling the truth or lying on your behalf. Now your friend doesn’t really like you all that much because you’ve made them look bad. Is that worth it?
Ghosting might make you feel better, but it’s not a victimless crime, so to speak. It’s better to speak up and be honest than hurt feelings and your job prospects in the long run.
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