26 Apr How You Can Deal With Constant Change
You know the old adage: The only constant is change. But how do you professionally deal with constant changes at work? As a leader, how do you keep your team on track while also preparing for the next disruption, interruption or moved goalpost?
There are ways to take a moment, reset and move forward. Here are some ideas and tips for how to keep your footing when everything feels unstable.
- Slow down. When a new demand comes up, a new priority is added to your already filled list or a new expectation is issued, you might feel a little anxiety and some stress about how to accommodate it. Instead of calling a meeting with your team, take a moment to reflect. Think about what’s really being asked and how you want to approach it. Not all new demands require an immediate jump into action! Think of the bigger picture, see where this fits in and adjust accordingly. Once you have the new vision worked out, then call your team together and inform them of what’s changed, what’s new and how things need to shift.
- Lead with positivity. This doesn’t mean sugar-coating things or making something out to be fantastic when you know it’s going to be stressful. But leading with positivity and pointing out the good things about a new challenge can help keep your team on track and moving in the right direction with optimism instead of grumbling, complaining and feeling stressed out. If you look on the bright side, keep your head up and think about the benefits as opposed to the costs and added stress, they will too.
- Keep those lines of communication open. When you tell your employees about the new development, they’re likely going to have questions. Allow and encourage them to ask! Change can feel scary and uncertain; keeping the room open for conversation, allowing your team to ask whatever questions come to mind — not just in the moment but as long as they need it — can help everyone get some clarity while feeling supported. That’s a morale booster as well and can keep the team feeling involved, included and in the loop as things progress.
- If something feels off, ask. As a manager, you might feel like this change is part of a bigger picture. If you don’t feel like you have all the information, or that you’re only being included in part of the picture, you have the right to ask. Speak up and find out what you’re missing, or if things are just a little unclear at the moment. As much as it’s important for your employees to come to you with their questions, you as a leader and manager have the same right to probe and prod a little to get a sense of the even bigger picture if you feel something’s missing. Trust your gut instinct and see what’s going on.
- Remember that this disruption is just temporary. Whatever change has been given to your team, it will feel more chaotic and stressful in the beginning. We seek to stabilize and adjust as a default; no matter what happens in our lives, we want things to feel normal and, over time, everything adjusts and shifts to accommodate whatever change comes along. Everything that feels routine now was, at one time, something new and challenging. In other words, this too shall pass.
People are great at adjusting, adapting and figuring out ways to accommodate change. Whatever disruption is occurring in your near future, and there will always be something, know that you’ll be fine and that your team will be relying on you to help them be fine as well. Be steady, remain calm, lead with positivity and know you’ll get through it together.
If you’re looking for ways to keep your team’s morale up, or if you need to add to your team, call LeadingEdge Personnel. We have great candidates looking for new opportunities and they’re ready to start right away! Contact LeadingEdge Personnel today and let’s get started.
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