23 Jul SABJ- Lists LeadingEdge Temporary Staffing Agency in the top 50 Companies to Work For… AGAIN!!!
SABJ- Lists LeadingEdge Temporary Staffing Agency in the top 50 Companies to Work For… AGAIN!!!
SABJ- Lists LeadingEdge Temporary Staffing Agency in the top 50 Companies to Work For… AGAIN!!!
A basic temporary staffing agency appears to have a formula down: take a pool of applicants and distribute them to busy businesses in the area each day. However, LeadingEdge has changed the temp agency world, including San Antonio, with their unique integration of employment opportunities. In fact, the San Antonio Business Journal reports it’s a top company for ambitious employees. Just a glance at their services makes them ambitious themselves.
Temporary Staffing Agency for Temporarily Busy Days
Every business has highs and lows, requiring more employees when times are busy. Instead of maintaining a huge employee base, a temporary staffing agency helps business owners with workers qualified for a particular position. One call to the agency gets a person to the office almost instantly. Some temp agencies even guarantee their employees, promising to exchange them if the person isn’t suited for the work. With just a few minutes of protocol information, the temp works efficiently.
Trying it on for Size
Almost no business has time to train one employee, lay them off and try another. High turnover rates are notoriously bad for overall business profits. LeadingEdge has no qualm with companies hiring their temp agency staff if they’re perfect for the position. In fact, it’s a compliment to the agency, reflecting the quality workforce. It’s a definite selling point to other businesses when they contract employees. Initially, the company hires the temp for several days, weeks or months. If they appreciate the work ethic, the business hires the person as a regular, full-time employee. This possibility also brings in top-quality temp personnel, giving the agency an even better appearance in the business world.
Using a Temporary Staffing Agency to Filter Applicants
One temp approach that most agencies don’t provide is acting as a human resources department. Businesses may not want a temp-to-hire, but a basic employment applicant. LeadingEdge offers companies the human resource aspect of researching and interviewing. Backgrounds are checked along with narrowing down educational experience. The agency has more contacts in the employment world than individual businesses, making their expertise priceless when seeking a new employee. The simple act of hiring a person costs companies a lot of money. Allowing a temp agency to work out the details saves both time and money.
Finding a job on your own is difficult in these corporate times. Using the services of a temporary staffing agency gives employees a taste of different industries and employers. LeadingEdge could be building an empire that influences the entire temp agency industry for years to come.
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