23 May Use a Temp Agency to Bring Advantages to New College Graduates.
College graduates who look down upon a temp agency after graduation are missing out on potential opportunities. Sometimes the perception of a temporary employee is that the person isn’t skilled enough to hold down a full-time job, but there’s so much more to it. While everyone has a different situation, there are plenty of advantages for college graduates to begin temping when they are done with school.
Gain Valuable Experience With A Temp Agency
One of the reasons why many college graduates find success with a temporary staffing position is because of the experience they can gain. School can be daunting for some students to the point where all of their efforts go into studying. As a result, they aren’t able to get jobs outside of school to gain experience. Starting out as a temp is a great way to get your foot in the door and have something to add to your resume.
Give Your Potential Career A Test Drive
Another great reason why graduates should consider a temp agency is to try out a career before they jump in with both feet. If you aren’t sure if you want to be in the legal field, accounting, medical or anything else, try becoming a temporary employee first. A temp agency can help you find the right job to help you get the experience you need to know whether you want to pursue the career or not.
Save Money on Further Education
Many students make the mistake of continuing to go to school just because they don’t know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. While you may not make much money as a temporary employee, just think about the money you are saving by not going back to school.
Starting out as a temp can help you realize what you’re getting into with a potential career. But if you jump into further education right away, you may be in a big financial rut before you realize it’s not what you want to do. You can always go back to school once you are confident in your career path.
Temp Your Way to A Great Career
There’s nothing wrong with being a temporary employee at several different jobs until you find the right fit. You may even temp at a company that wants to hire you full-time. Plenty of success stories come from college graduates who started out as a temp, so you can find your path to a great career with the right focus and mindset.
LeadingEdge Personnel is one of the top Austin employment services for new college graduates. In a city that’s booming in more ways than one, temporary employment could be your avenue to a successful career. Be sure to contact us to find the right temporary job for you.
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