18 Jul Temporary Staffing: the Avenue for Employment
Reports from the ASA American Staffing Association and various national news outlets recently have been announcing an increase in demand for temporary staffing.
We are finding this reality to be refreshing and true. Our clients request for temporary and temporary to full-time hiring has shot up and each week the demand seems to be getting stronger. Companies calling us for the first time as really kicked into gear for us. This is all exciting news not just for LeadingEdge but our industry and the future of the economy. Temporary staffing is as good a barometer for the economy as one can get. Recruiting more of the best talent to meet the needs of our clients is our priority. No staffing service does more for retention and motivating the absolute best. At LeadingEdge, we are relentless and determined to always “believe in better” for our temporary employees and our client companies.
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